So you may think writing is an easy game. You finish that first draft which is wonderful, indeed. I shall repeat myself again - there is nothing more satisfying than see your work in print. You are successful.
It isn't a matter of being published, or acquiring fame and fortune. You have completed something that others only talk about. "Oh, I'm going to write this book, and it will make me a wealthy man!" Because it is not handed to them on a silver platter, they give up instead of facing the reality.
I never expected this, which is why I have come as far as I have. I merely set goals, and pursued them one by one.
I don't push my characters, I let them live their own lives, make their own decisions - and in this world of reality, do we oftentimes disagree with others intent on doing?
I suppose what I am trying to say is set goals and let the rest run its course. You would be surprised. Of course, my writer friends aren't too surprised, for they are there time and time again - I respect them, no matter the genre.
I propose your first line of action is seeing your words in print - along with the mistakes. However, those with an open hearts and minds will look beyond any mistakes, and look for the story.
The story is the key to unlock the war of words.
Perhaps I have rambled too much.
Please, check out this short blob, for you may be enlightened. Only from simple words from from a guy like me.
I could move on, but I would probably bore you...