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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Some Thoughts..

Good afternoon and welcome. It is always nice to share thoughts with friends, and I have lacked a lot of extra time lately - I wanted to at least least folk know I am still alive and kicking (though I am not too sure about the kicking).
As some writers suffer through short periods of writer's block, I actually have too many projects I am currently juggling around in my mind and on paper - and to be honest, I am at best a horrible juggler. It is difficult to create a schedule of what to do when, because when characters and story suddenly speak, it is a good idea to follow their lead.
Right now, I find it unimportant to list all my accomplishments, all I plan to do - suffice it to say, that eventually you shall see the fruits of my labors.
The best way for me to communicate with you is with words. I am an introvert, no stranger to solitude, and for me it is the best way to keep in sync with my thoughts.
I do not claim to be the most profound writer, the most well liked among the public's scrutinizing eye. This I accepted long ago. It is simply impossible to please everyone. Nevertheless, there is always one simple truth. No matter who dislikes you or what you write, there are those who most surely like you and your writing. I stopped worrying long ago about critics and such - after all, it is their job to criticise. Just as it is a publisher's job to reject what they deem unsuitable to their needs. Always remember that publishers must see samples of works from thousands of writers every year, and while we do not always agree with their decisions, we must accept it as a normal part of writing.
Putting that aside, whether I am writing a novel, short story, or blog, I must write something because the satisfaction of conveying thought to written word is an accomplishment unparalleled.
I am sure most writers will agree with me.
This being said, I must say I have the utmost respect for all writers - be it the ten-year-old who has written a small poem, to the teenager in the throes of a confused and ever-changing life whose only true way to explain his or her feelings is on paper, to the more serious writer (novice or professional) who has set out to tell a story in hopes that one day someone will read it and say, "Wow, that's pretty good!"
Cheers to all who have accomplished these goals.

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